Advantages of Jesus' Humanity [Hebrews 2:5-8]
Series: The Book of Hebrews
January 31, 2025
Apostle Vincent G Valentyn
Following his warning against drifting recorded in (He 2:1-4), the author of Hebrews continues to illustrate Jesus' superiority to angels... In chapter one, the writer brilliantly demonstrated from the Scriptures the deity of Jesus and His superiority over all angels. Here in chapter 2 he demonstrates the humanity of Jesus from the Scriptures and applies the implications of Jesus’ humanity. . It is Biblically wrong to think of Jesus as merely God, or merely a man. · It is wrong to think of Him as half God and half man (or any other percentage split). · It is wrong to think of Him as “man on the outside” and “God on the inside.” .The Bible teaches that Jesus is fully God and fully man, · That a human nature was added to His divine nature, · And both natures existed in one Person, Jesus Christ. The early church fathers considered the Incarnation to be one of the most important truths of our faith. Because of this, they formulated what has come to be called the Chalcedonean Creed, a statement that sets forth what we are to believe and what we are not to believe about the Incarnation. This creed was the fruit of a large council that took place from October 8 to November 1, 451 AD, in the city of Chalcedon and “has been taken as the standard, orthodox definition of the biblical teaching on the person of Christ since that day by” all the major branches of Christianity.
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