The Believer’s Authority OVER the Enemy - Part 5 - Thorns and Thistles: Negative Distractions

Series: Believer’s Authority

March 22, 2022
Cindy Cox

In the midst of a crisis of life, the enemy will try to so occupy your heart through the thorns of distractions that the seed of God’s word is starved of nutrients to produce the fruit of healing and health in your life. The diagnosis, the prognosis, the sickness, the symptoms, the pain, the treatment plan, the time spent figuring out what to do, the decision making, the fear, the anxiety, and even the financial implications—can take over the real estate of your heart, crowding out the message of Jesus the healer and His finished work. In this teaching, Cindy shares practical tips on overcoming the demonic deception of distractions.

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