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Dear Galatians

Dear Galatians

The apostle Paul wrote many letters. It's where we derive a good portion of the New Testament. In his writings to the Galatian church, we find timeless truths about how we to live in freedom.

Title Speaker Date
Dear Galatians Part 1 - Living in the Tree of Life Pastor Landon Henry April 10, 2016
Dear Galatians Part 2 - Living the Crucified Life Landon Henry April 17, 2016
Dear Galations Part 3 - Living in Grace Landon Henry April 24, 2016
Dear Galations Part 4 - Living in Relationship with God Landon Henry May 01, 2016
Dear Galatians Part 5 - Living by the Spirit Landon Henry May 08, 2016
Dear Galatians Part 6 - Living to Make a Difference Landon Henry May 15, 2016

Content Copyright Belongs to San Angelo First Assembly