Faith over Fear

Series: The Gospel of John

February 15, 2025
Pastor Mike

This lesson explores the contrasting reactions to Jesus' miracles, particularly the raising of Lazarus. It emphasizes the personal choice between responding to Christ with faith or fear, highlighting how faith leads to a fulfilled life while fear results in destructive choices. The lesson also delves into God's providence in prophecy, showing how even the plans of Jesus' opponents ultimately served God's greater purpose for salvation. It concludes by reinforcing Jesus' mission to gather all believers, both Jews and Gentiles, into one flock under one shepherd.

Episode Notes

A 5-day Devotional

Day 1: Faith Over Fear
Reading: John 11:45-48, Psalm 27:1-3

Devotional: In the face of miracles, some believed while others retreated in fear. Fear can blind us to God's work, causing us to miss His blessings.
Today, reflect on areas in your life where fear might be overshadowing your faith. Remember, "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?" (Psalm 27:1).
How can you choose faith over fear in your current circumstances? Pray for God's courage to trust Him fully, even when situations seem uncertain.

Day 2: God's Providence in Unexpected Places
Reading: John 11:49-52, Romans 8:28

Devotional: Caiaphas unknowingly prophesied about Jesus' sacrificial death. This reminds us that God's plans often unfold in unexpected ways, even through those who oppose Him.
Consider moments in your life where God has worked through challenging situations or unlikely people. How has He turned difficulties into blessings? Thank God for His sovereign control and ask for eyes to see His hand at work, even in life's complexities.

Day 3: The Inclusive Love of Christ
Reading: John 10:14-16, Galatians 3:28

Devotional: Jesus spoke of "other sheep" not of His current fold, pointing to His love for all people. This inclusive love breaks down barriers and unites diverse individuals into one family.
 Reflect on how you view those different from you. Are there any prejudices or biases you need to confront?
Pray for a heart that embraces all people as Christ does, and consider one practical step you can take to extend love across cultural or social boundaries.

Day 4: Courage in the Face of Opposition
Reading: John 11:53-57, 2 Timothy 1:7-8

Devotional: As opposition grew, Jesus strategically withdrew but remained committed to His mission. Likewise, early Christians like Polycarp and Perpetua showed immense courage in the face of persecution.
While we may not face such extreme circumstances, we all encounter situations that challenge our faith. What opposition or ridicule have you faced for your beliefs?
Remember, "God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control" (2 Timothy 1:7). Ask God for strength to stand firm in your convictions, even when it's difficult.

Day 5: Sacrifice and Redemption
Reading: John 11:49-52, Romans 5:6-8

Devotional: Caiaphas' words about one man dying for the people unintentionally pointed to the heart of the gospel - Christ's sacrificial death for all humanity.
This ultimate act of love demonstrates God's commitment to our redemption. Take time to meditate on the depth of Christ's sacrifice. How does this impact your daily life? In what ways can you live out a sacrificial love for others?
Pray for a renewed appreciation of God's love and for opportunities to reflect that love to those around you.

Content Copyright Belongs to Calvary Chapel Aiken, Aiken SC