What is waiting for you?
Series: Life Quest
February 24, 2025
Pastor Raymond Purdy
Wheather you are thirty something wondering where the last fifteen years went, twenty something in search of your true purpose, or a late teen preparing to enter into adult life, LIFE QUEST is a guide to braving adulthood with biblical passion.
Episode Notes
What is Waiting for You?
I Thessalonians 1:8-10
A Life of _Eternal_ Significance
Jeremiah 24:5-7 and 29:10-13
A. You matter to _God_
1. God _Thinks Good_of you (Psalm 8:4)
2. God has developed an _Awesome_ plan for your life.
B. You matter to _others_.
The _Timeless_ gift of a good life.
James 1:17 and Psalm 84:11-12
A. God _Delights_in giving good gifts to His children.
B. The _best_ gifts are _intangible_.
C. God's gifts follow _maturity_ and _faith_.
The eternal rewards of a _faithful_ steward.
A. God's excessive _goodness_ just keeps on going.
B. Describing the _stewardship_ of life.
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