Sermons & Episodes

Unto Us A Child Is Born

Brooks of Blessing part 3

Make Room For Jesus

08.12.24 | City PM | Ben MacGregor

So You're a Christian why

Thankfulness (an attitude of gratitude)

Sunday December 8, 2024 - What’s the Good in Waiting? - Advent 2 - “What’s the Peace in Waiting?"

The Thrill Of Hope - The Soul Felt Its Worth - (Sermon Only)

Making Room for Stillness


Hungering for God

The Thrill Of Hope - The Soul Felt Its Worth - (Entire Service)

Why is this so hard

Put on the New Self | Colossians 3:12-17

Unfortunate Salvations

Galatians Peace

extraORDINARY - Why Joseph?

"All Things Are Possible With God"

It's Never Too Late