Sermons & Episodes

Culture Crossroads - The Mainstream Media Tries To Turn Villains Into Victims

God Given Vision

Christmas Narratives Day 16

Salmo 139 - Dios todo lo ve y todo lo sabe

How God Watches Out For You and What Has Our Society Become?

"Oh Happy Day when Jesus washed my sins away!”- to the top of the Billboard charts! - Lillie Knauls, 1

This is Man's Greatest Need

Sunday December 15, 2024 - What’s the Good in Waiting? - Advent 3 - “What’s the Joy in Waiting?"

Let Your Spirit Lead You - Podcast 353

The Thrill Of Hope - A Weary World Rejoices - (Sermon Only)

The Thrill Of Hope - A Weary World Rejoices - (Entire Service)

Dr. Randy Taylor, Sr. - "A Hole in the Roof Salvation"

Dr. Randy Taylor, Sr. - "The Fifth Sparrow"

Bible Study of Matthew 6:19-24

The Greatest Gift of All I Pastor Chadwick King

Where's My Mansion? (John 14:1-6)

The Missing Piece By Pastor Phil Teaney

The Value Of One

09 The Redemption of Ruth - Ruth 4'1-17