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The Wheel of Revelation

The Wheel of Revelation

This video is an introduction to the Message series about the Wheel of Revelation. Ezekiel 1:16 16 The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel. There are deep spiritual truths within the "wheel" of the Word of God. There are 22 Hebrew consonants and 66 books of the bible. It is not by chance that the outlay of scripture is in perfect sync with the 22 letters of the Hebrew alephbet. For example: Aleph, book 1 Genesis, book 23 Isaiah, book 45 Romans show us: * In the outer wheel ALEPH the first letter of the alephbet, exemplifies in creation; the voice (Word) of God and Christ (The Word made flesh) as a humble man (waw bowed over) with a hand (Yod) reaching into the heavens and a hand (Yod) reaching into the earth. Jesus said he was the Alpha (Aleph) and Omega (Tav) the beginning and the end... * In the first cycle of scripture (second wheel); the first book of the bible (Genesis) we see the creation of the earth and God's covenant with Man. * In the second cycle of scripture (third wheel); the 23rd book of the bible (Isaiah) we see Gods prophetic promise of the coming Messiah and his covenant with Man, * In the third cycle of scripture (fourth wheel); the 45 book of the bible (Romans) we see the first instructional epistle to the new born Church and fulfillment of God's covenant with man. The overall Biblical Structure consist of: The outer wheel - The Hebrew Alephbet Wheel two - The five books of the Torah, The twelve books of OT History, & The five books of Wisdom Wheel three - The five major Prophets, The twelve minor Prophets, & The five books of New Testament History Wheel four - the 22 Epistles written to the New Testament Church (Bonus Note... Lamentations is also a book of the Alephbet. Chapter 1, 2, 4 & 5, have 22 verses each and each verse starts with one of the 22 consonants of the Alephbet respectively and in most cases consecutively. In chapter 3 there are 66 verses and each three verses are a reflection of the alephbet "i.e. 1-3 is Aleph, 4-6 is Bet, 7-9 is gimmel, etc.). Many Blessings!!!

Title Speaker Date
Aleph - WREV - 2019 Pastor Stephen Land July 21, 2019

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