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Halal Ya - The Highest Praise

Halal Ya - The Highest Praise

This Series provides insight to hallelujah the "highest praise". הלל Halal יה Ya " hallelujah "Praise he the Lord" is an exhortation to Praise confined to the things that God has said of himself. hey ה means Behold Lamed ל means teaching, guidance, learning, truth... so Halal "Praise" means behold teaching truths... Ya is the short for YHWH the most holy name of God.

Title Speaker Date
Halal Ya הלל יה the Highest Praise Part 10 Pastor Stephen Land December 11, 2016
Halal Ya - Hallelujah the Highest Praise Pt9 Pastor Stephen Land December 04, 2016
Praise while I have any Being Pt7 Pastor Stephen Land November 06, 2016
Take the Pressure & Bare the Mark Pt6 Pastor Stephen Land October 31, 2016

Content Copyright Belongs to Immanuel Christian Center