The Two Extremes of God

July 13, 2024
Cecil Bean

Cecil Bean, an experienced disciple-maker, on understanding the nature of God and the importance of discipleship. Cecil shares his personal journey of coming to faith and emphasizes the need for believers to mature in their relationship with God through obedience, studying the Gospels, and developing a deep understanding of Christ's teachings. He highlights the two extremes of God's character: His immense love for those who obey Him and His burning anger towards those who reject Him. Cecil stresses the importance of discipleship, likening it to the process of training apostles, where believers are equipped to share the Gospel, make disciples, and help others grow in their faith. The discussion touches on the roles of priests, prophets, and apostles in the church, and the necessity of prayer and God's guidance in finding and discipling others. Overall, the meeting aims to inspire and challenge believers to deepen their commitment to Christ and actively participate in the Great Commission.

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