Seasons of Life

Series: Laboring for a Lifetime

May 19, 2024
Jorge Soto

Jorge discusses the different seasons of life and how to make the most of each season, particularly the spring season of one's 20s. He emphasizes the importance of sowing into eternal and spiritual things during this time through faith, vision, self-denial, and discipline. The summer season (30s and 40s) is about cultivating what was sown, protecting it from thorns like the cares of the world, deceitfulness of riches, and desires for other things. The fall season (50s and 60s) is the time to reap the harvest of a life lived for Christ. The winter season (70s and beyond) is about waiting and leaving a legacy. Jorge encourages the audience to make a lifelong commitment to Christ, have a biblical vision for the future, practice spiritual disciplines, deny themselves, and keep Christ as the top priority to bear lasting fruit.

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