A New Covenant Relationship Established

Series: Book of Acts

March 21, 2024
Jorge Soto

Jorge discusses the establishment of a new covenant relationship between God and His people, as depicted in the book of Acts. It draws parallels between the events in Acts and the establishment of the Old Covenant in the book of Exodus, highlighting the time of signs and wonders that accompanied both events. Jorge analyzes key passages from Acts, such as the account of Ananias and Sapphira, and compares them to similar events in the Old Testament, like the sin of Achan. The main focus is on how God exalted Peter and the apostles as His chosen leaders, just as He exalted Moses and Joshua, through signs and wonders. He then emphasizes the importance of committing to the apostles' teaching, obeying God rather than men, recognizing God's voice, embracing suffering for Christ's name, and continually teaching and preaching about Jesus.

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