SPRING RAPTURE at 3:00 P.M.(Jerusalem time) on a SPECIAL DAY?


May 22, 2024
Evangelist Henry Walker

In this message we talk about the excellent possibility of a 3:00 P.M. SPRING RAPTURE on a day that is special to the FATHER! We talk about the abundance of the number 7 in the word and what could be the FATHER"S real meaning about the usage of the number 7 in the word so many times! We also talk about what is the DAY that is so special to the FATHER and how it should be so special to us! Gen. 2 v1-3, Exodus 20 v. 1-11, Genesis 8 v. 4, Exodus 24 v. 15-18, Rev. 4 v. 1-2, Acts 13 v. 33-37, 42-44.

Episode Notes

In this message we talk about the excellent possibility of a 3:00 P.M. SPRING RAPTURE on a day that is special to the FATHER! We talk about the abundance of the number 7 in the word and what could be the FATHER"S real meaning about the usage of the number 7 in the word so many times! We also talk about what is the DAY that is so special to the FATHER and how it should be so special to us!
Gen. 2 v1-3, Exodus 20 v. 1-11, Genesis 8 v. 4, Exodus 24 v. 15-18, Rev. 4 v. 1-2, Acts 13 v. 33-37, 42-44.

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