MOMENTUM building for the RAPTURE(SPRING?)!


May 13, 2024
Evangelist Henry Walker

In this Message we talk about the MOMENTUM coming from the FATHER since 4/8 with the ECLIPSE and the beginning of the year that has increased so greatly since PASSOVER. This MOMENTUM has so much POWER that it is ushering the REMNANT right into the RAPTURE! Once somebody has surrendered all to the FATHER this MOMENTUM is pushing everything out of the way that would hinder us going in the RAPTURE! In this Message we go back to the Feast Days that have already taken place this SPRING and see how they built us up to this momentum which could propel us into the RAPTURE sometime during the remaining SPRING feast days! Ruth 1 v. 22, Ruth 2 v. 23, Ruth 3 v. 6-14, Ruth 4 v. 9-13, 1 Cor. 15 v. 23, 51-58, Joel 2 v. 16, 23-26, 30-32, Joshua 5 v. 10-12, Rev. 16 v. 15, Luke 22 v. 52-53.

Episode Notes

In this Message we talk about the MOMENTUM coming from the FATHER since 4/8 with the ECLIPSE and the beginning of the year that has increased so greatly since PASSOVER. This MOMENTUM has so much POWER that it is ushering the REMNANT right into the RAPTURE! Once somebody has surrendered all to the FATHER this MOMENTUM is pushing everything out of the way that would hinder us going in the RAPTURE! In this Message we go back to the Feast Days that have already taken place this SPRING and see how they built us up to this momentum which could propel us into the RAPTURE sometime during the remaining SPRING feast days!
Ruth 1 v. 22, Ruth 2 v. 23, Ruth 3 v. 6-14, Ruth 4 v. 9-13, 1 Cor. 15 v. 23, 51-58, Joel 2 v. 16, 23-26, 30-32, Joshua 5 v. 10-12, Rev. 16 v. 15, Luke 22 v. 52-53.

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