Hints of the RAPTURE on Mt. Sinai and the CREATION CALENDAR!


June 17, 2024
Evangelist Henry Walker

This message discover possible hints to the RAPTURE as we continue to study the overlay of the constellations that were visible on the 4/8 eclipse on the Red Sea and Mt. Sinai. Exodus 19 v.1, 11-17, Exodus 24 v. 12-18, Gen. v. 1-5, Gen 2 v. 1-3, Jn. 21 v. 10-12, Ex. 23 v. 1-17, Luke 4 v. 16, Acts 13 v. 40-44, Acts 16 v. 13-19, 25-31, Isaiah 66 v. 23.

Episode Notes

This message discover possible hints to the RAPTURE as we continue to study the overlay of the constellations that were visible on the 4/8 eclipse on the Red Sea and Mt. Sinai. Exodus 19 v.1, 11-17, Exodus 24 v. 12-18, Gen. v. 1-5, Gen 2 v. 1-3, Jn. 21 v. 10-12, Ex. 23 v. 1-17, Luke 4 v. 16, Acts 13 v. 40-44, Acts 16 v. 13-19, 25-31, Isaiah 66 v. 23.

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