Power of the Mind and Heart

Series: Sunday Sermons with Pastor Alexander Redd

August 06, 2023
Pastor Alexander Redd

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the challenges of life? Do you find yourself struggling to stay positive in the circumstance of life? If so, you're not alone. But there is good news: as believers in Christ Jesus, we have access to a power that can transform our minds and hearts, giving us the strength and resilience to face any obstacle. Pastor Alexander Redd preaches about the incredible power of faith in Jesus to renew our minds, heal our hearts, and bring us into a deeper, more fulfilling relationship with God. www.gracioushopefellowship.com/watch-live Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ghbf4redd YouTube https://www.youtube.com/live/kGSXLKjNAio?feature=share

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