cry of victory


March 31, 2024
Michael Boyd

A Cry Of Victory LISTEN ON MIXLR @ WATCH US ON YOU TUBE LIVE @ John 19:29 John 19:29: “A jar of wine vinegar was there so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of a hyssop plant, and lifted it up to Jesus’ lips. When he had received the drink, Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’ With that he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” It is finished, “Tetelestai” it is completed The verb itself has no subject This is the Son reporting back to the Father. What was finished? His sufferings were finished. Our redemption was finished. The debts were paid in full. “Your redemption is complete, 3 Lessons the issue is not the greatness of your sin, but the worth of the sacrifice. hose who pay for their own sin will never be able to say, “Telestai! It is finished!” the need to accept Jesus Christ is urgent Lifted up was He to die, It is finished was His cry. Now in heaven exalted high, Hallelujah, what a Savior. PODCAST HTTPS://PODPOINT.COM/GRACE-BAPTIST-CHURCH-OF-SECOND-LIFE-PODCAST WEBSITE

Episode Notes

John 19:29: “A jar of wine vinegar was there so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of a hyssop plant, and lifted it up to Jesus’ lips. When he had received the drink, Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’ With that he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.”

Content Copyright Belongs to Grace Baptist Church of Second Life