knowing the kind of peace in Christ Jesus that is supernatural.

November 09, 2019
Robert. j. Brown

In John 14:27 - peace i leave with you ; ( my peace ) i give to you, not as the world give, give i unto you, Let not your heart be troubled, either let it be afraid . In this lesson i show from scripture how peace is not depended on what is going on around us, but it is a choose that we must make ( because ) as believers in Christ Jesus peace is standard equipment which comes with being saved . For Jesus personally said that peace he leave with us and his peace he gives to us . So if Jesus gave us the very same peace that he used when he walked this earth over 2,000 years ago, then what happened to it ? and were is ? why are so many of us believers going without it ? . loosing sleep , stressed out and much more . Please join me in this study of God's holy word . God Bless

Episode Notes

John 14:27 , Proverbs 28:1

Content Copyright Belongs to gfaith Christian Ministries