Will We Have Faith 3
Series: Inner Man
October 03, 2021
Cheryl Jackson
Faith has Knowledge, Faith has wisdom, Faith has understanding an understanding of who God is. Jesus asked his disciples, Who do you say I am? Knowing the Father and the Son is life. There are a lot of rhythms that we can feel in this life, but this rhythm is heard in the silence of the heart, (spirit) In quietness and in confidence we find strength, Isaiah 30:15. Grace is an unforced rhythm that works in the heart on the waves of faith, faith toward God. Have an insatiable love for God that nothing and no one can satisfy but His words. Keep yourself in love with God. Jude 1:21 Scripture Matthew 16:17-19, Revelation 12:11, Ephesians 3:16-21, Zechariah 4:6-7 Grace, grace is the rhythm of our hearts toward God. Please stay in love with Him.
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