The Strength of Jesus

May 18, 2023
Pastor Cheryl Jackson

Psalm 8:1-9 Isaiah 30:15 Luke 10: 1-22(10: 17-20 We have been called to Christ and have the same strength in us. We can accomplish far more than we think but we have limited ourselves. Put your confidence in the Almighty who can strengthen you every time. We all have personal situations that stand out in our thoughts and those thoughts can become our focus. If these thoughts continue, they will destroy you and others. The mind of Christ is love, mercy, goodness, kindness, patience, self-control, it is forgiveness it is full-out grace. Yes, God hates sin, and we should hate it too, but we do not hate people because we know what temps the world. We have a job to do, and it is time to be kingdom minded. When we lean on the Lord strength comes and we can do like the seventy that went out in Luke chapter ten, we can be about kingdom business. Our lives are a reflection of Christ in this world.

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