He Gave Us LIFE 2
February 15, 2023
Pastor Cheryl Jackson
I'm stuck on the Lord gives life, and that he gives us life in such abundance. Real life comes from the life giver, Jesus came to give us spiritual life. To live in the spirit is to have freedom. Freedom from living in this spiritual world where we are no more than ants and easily crushed. When we come to Christ and allow the Holy Spirit to be our teacher, we learn to bring every thought to the obedience of God's word. our emotions are no longer bringing us into the captivity of the flesh. We learn to put our soul in its place by the Spirit of LIFE. The soul is second place to our spirit our spirit is connected to the Holy Spirit. When we come sit down with the Lord and read the bible the word ignites us, it ignites us to the fear of the Lord. The true fear of the Lord is reverential trust and hatred for evil. You are free from living with a host of spiritual enemies, they do not have power over you. We are in the world and not of it, we are born from above, we are in Christ Jesus, we are spiritual beings in physical bodies and we need to start living from where we are seated in Christ Jesus Ephesians 2:5-6. God is spirit and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
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