Have You Recognized Jesus

Series: A New Position

March 26, 2024
Pastor Cheryl Jackson

Nehemiah 8:10 Nehemiah 8:2-3, 8-12 So Ezra brought it to the place where the people had gathered—men, women, and the children who were old enough to understand. There in the square by the gate he read the Law to them from dawn until noon, and they all listened attentively. 10-12 Now go home and have a feast. Share your food and wine with those who don't have enough. Today is holy to our Lord, so don't be sad. The joy that the LORD gives you will make you strong.” The Levites went around calming the people and telling them not to be sad on such a holy day. So all the people went home and ate and drank joyfully and shared what they had with others, because they understood what had been read to them. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 That’s the whole story. Here now is my final conclusion: Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone’s duty. God will judge us for everything we do, including every secret thing, whether good or bad. Love fulfilled the Law Extra notes Isolated things that impair the mind If you have self-control over the games that you play and you play it for like 15 minutes that's well and good, you're fine. But if you find yourself two hours and three hours with your face in your tablet something is wrong. And it is OK to play games with your kids, it's all right to have a game night; I'm talking about isolated things that impair your mind. Cinderella was an optimist regardless of the horrible life she had. I know it’s a story, but it’s the parable, its the moral of the story she had a vision a dream that she longed for. She was in slavery to a stepmother and stepsisters who took everything she had. Constantly they tried to take her confidence and joy. When the news came that the prince was looking for a bride, they mercilessly tried to destroy her hope. Dressed for Battle - Part 1 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvrMBDsiZ_w Dressed for Battle - Part 2 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gI1eKTF9Fw Youtube https://youtu.be/HQ6POy53hlU

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