The Names of God - Adonai 03-10-24
March 10, 2024
Pastor James Williams
Judges 6:11-24 | | Pastor James Williams | Pastor Williams continues in our studies of the different names of God and their meanings. He explains that "Adonai" means "My Lord, My Master, or My Owner" and emphasizes the importance of acknowledging God as the owner of everything in our lives. He also mentions the progression of understanding God through His names, from recognizing Him as the Creator God (Elohim) to understanding His power and greatness (Jehovah). The message includes the story of Gideon and how he addresses God as "Adonai Jehovah," recognizing His personhood and authority. The message encourages us to realize that everything we have belongs to God and to hold our possessions with an open hand, acknowledging Him as the true owner.
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