Studies in Identity - Jesus- Who Do the Prophets Say He Is? 04-14-24

April 14, 2024
Pastor James Williams

Matthew 16:13-14 | | Pastor James Williams | Pastor Williams discusses the questions of "What is truth?" and "Who is Jesus?" He emphasizes that Jesus is the Truth and that understanding His identity is crucial. He mentions a conversation with someone who questioned whether Jesus could really do everything claimed by others. He explains that Jesus is the Son of God who lived a perfect life and died for our sins. He emphasizes the importance of understanding Jesus' identity, using Scripture to support his points. He discusses how some people in Jesus' time saw Him as a prophet or a good moral teacher, but they missed the true identity of Jesus as Immanuel (God with us) and the Messiah. Pastor Williams then encourages listeners to deepen their understanding of Scripture and to recognize the closeness of God in their lives.

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