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F-P East: Taking Back the Bible
There are some churches that consider themselves to be churches "that teach the Bible" on Sunday mornings or that are "Bible believing churches," but too often what they really mean by those phrases is that they have very specific views that it is wrong to be gay and that women cannot serve in church leadership, and they believe that teaching the Bible means ascribing to those interpretations. Join Pastor Jacob for a two-part sermon series as he "takes back the Bible," by showing how you can be fully committed to the teachings of Scripture and simultaneously understand Scripture to be both supportive of the LGBT community and supportive of female clergy. Inclusive churches teach the Bible too!
Title | Speaker | Date |
F-P East: Taking Back the Bible - What Does the Bible Say About Same-Sex Relationships? (Part 1) | Pastor Jacob Buchholz | May 15, 2016 |
F-P East: Taking Back the Bible - What Does the Bible Say About Women in Church Leadership (Part 2) | Pastor Jacob Buchholz | May 29, 2016 |
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