Sermons & Episodes

Thank God For Tomorrow

Sermon - 11/23/08

Spiritual Gifts - The Basics

Q&A night of Marriage

Generosity - part 3: The Marks of Generosity

Wasted Spaces Part 6 Wasted Experiences (Jerel Olson)

Womens Ministry - 11/18/08

Crosswave - Week of Nov 17th

EPOH-When Close Relationships Turn Bad 11-16-08

Translate the Gospel to Your Life

God - High and Lifted Up

11-16-08 THE REAL DEAL - Part 1

Proximo Paso 2

A Worthy Walk

Navigating Troubled Waters part 3

Forgive Gratefully

Thank God For Mercy

Sermon - 11/16/08

2nd Anniversary 11-12-08