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The Discipleship Project

The Discipleship Project

Title Speaker Date
VISION: The Power To Be Witnesses Rev. Marvin Stovall October 28, 2018
Practice Makes Perfect: Eye On The Prize (Rev. Josh Andrews) Rev. Josh Andrews October 21, 2018
Practice Makes Perfect: It's What We Do (Rev. Josh Andrews) Rev. Josh Andrews October 14, 2018
Practice Makes Perfect: The Path Of Scripture. (Rev. Marvin Stovall) Rev. Marvin Stovall October 07, 2018
Practice Makes Perfect: A Community of Devotion (Rev. Josh Andrews) Rev. Josh Andrews September 30, 2018
The Gift of Repentance 4 (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith September 23, 2018
The Gift of Repentance 3 (Rev. Josh Andrews) Rev. Josh Andrews September 16, 2018
The Gift of Repentance Lesson 2 (Rev. Marvin Stovall) Rev. Marvin Stovall September 09, 2018
The Gift of Repentance Lesson 1 (Rev. Josh Andrews) Rev. Josh Andrews September 02, 2018
Serving for God's Glory (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith August 26, 2018
In Step with the Spirit 3: The Fruit of the Spirit (Rev. Josh Andrews) Rev. Josh Andrews August 05, 2018
Becoming Who We Are 4: For His Purpose (Rev. Marvin Stovall) Rev. Marvin Stovall July 08, 2018
Becoming Who We Are 2: Empowered by the Spirit (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith June 24, 2018
Becoming Who We Are 1: Called to be Saints (Rev. Josh Andrews) Rev. Josh Andrews June 10, 2018
The Genesis of Grace-filled Families 4: Leaving a Legacy of Godliness (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith June 03, 2018
The Genesis of Grace-filled Families 3: Raising God-fearing Children (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith May 27, 2018
The Genesis of Grace-filled Families 2: God Still Has A Promise (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith May 20, 2018
The Genesis of Grace-filled Families 1: Prophetic Grace (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith May 06, 2018
The Call to Unity 3: The Standard of Unity (Rev. Josh Andrews) Rev. Josh Andrews April 22, 2018
The Call To Unity 2: The Attitude of Unity (Rev. Marvin Stovall) Rev. Marvin Stovall April 15, 2018
The Call to Unity 1: The Power of Unity (Rev. Josh Andrews) Rev. Josh Andrews April 08, 2018
Portraits of Grace 4: Grace for All (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith March 25, 2018
Portraits of Grace 3: The Reach of Grace (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith March 18, 2018
Portraits of Grace 2: Grace in Unlikely Places (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith March 11, 2018
Portraits of Grace 1: Grace that Confronts (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith March 04, 2018
Making Sense of Suffering 3: The Longing For Heaven (Rev. Marvin Stovall) Rev. Marvin Stoval February 25, 2018
Making Sense of Suffering 2: Growth In Suffering (Rev. Josh Andrews) Rev. Josh Andrews February 11, 2018
Seasons 4: The Season of Blessing (Rev. Josh Andrews) Rev. Josh Andrews January 28, 2018
Seasons 3: The Season of Famine (Rev. Marvin Stovall) Rev. Marvin Stovall January 21, 2018
Seasons 2: The Season of Waiting (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith January 14, 2018
Seasons 1: The Season of New Beginnings Pastor Kenny Smith January 07, 2018
Empowered by the Spirit 4: Empowered for our Mission (Rev. Josh Andrews) Rev. Josh Andrews December 31, 2017
Empowered by the Spirit 3: Empowered to Overcome (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith December 17, 2017
Empowered by the Spirit 2: Empowered to Become (Rev. Marvin Stovall) Rev. Marvin Stovall December 10, 2017
This is not as good As It Gets 4: The Kingdom of God (Rev. Josh Andrews) Rev. Josh Andrews November 26, 2017
This Is Not As Good As It Gets 3: Through A Glass Darkly (Rev. Josh Andrews) Rev. Josh Andrews November 19, 2017
This Is Not As Good As It Gets 2: The Earnest of our Inheritance (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith November 12, 2017
This Is Not As Good As It Gets 1: Divine Healing (Rev. Marvin Stovall) Rev. Marvin Stovall November 05, 2017
I Am The Lord That Healeth Thee 4: Relational Healing (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith October 29, 2017
I Am The Lord That Healeth Thee 2: Spiritual Healing (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith October 15, 2017
I Am The Lord That Healeth Thee 1: Physical Healing (Rev. Marvin Stovall)l Rev. Marvin Stovall October 08, 2017
The Imitation of Christ 3: His Authority, Our Authority (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith September 24, 2017
The Imitation of Christ 2: His Role, Our Role (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith September 17, 2017
The Imitation of Christ 1: His Mission, Our Mission (Rev. Josh Andrews) Rev. Josh Andrews September 10, 2017
The Masquerade of Sin 4 - The Unmasking of Sin (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith September 03, 2017
The Masquerade of Sin 3 - The Folly of Sin (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith August 20, 2017
The Masquerade of Sin 2 - The Pleasure of Sin (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith August 13, 2017
The Masquerade of Sin 1 - The Definition and Disguise of Sin (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith August 06, 2017
Spiritual Disciplines 4: The Privilege of being a part of the body (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith July 30, 2017
Spiritual Disciplines 3: The Privilege of learning the Word Rev. Josh Andrews July 23, 2017
Spiritual Disciplines 2: The Privilege of Sacrifice Rev. Marvin Stovall July 16, 2017
Spiritual Disciplines 1: The Privilege of Prayer (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith July 09, 2017
The Oneness of God: Called Into Covenant (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith July 02, 2017
The Oneness of God - The Complete Identity of Jesus (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith June 25, 2017
The Oneness of God - The Covenant Name of God (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith June 10, 2017
The Oneness of God - The Incarnation (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith June 03, 2017
The Upside Down Pyramid 4 - The rewards of servanthood (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith May 27, 2017
The Upside Down Pyramid 3 - The perils of servanthood (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith May 21, 2017
The Upside Down Pyramid 2 - Looking out for number one (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith May 14, 2017
The Upside Down Pyramid 1 - The identity of a servant (Rev. Marvin Stovall) Rev. Marvin Stovall May 07, 2017
The Passion of Christ: Victorious over Death, Hell and the Grave (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith April 29, 2017
The Passion of Christ: Mocked (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith April 23, 2017
The Passion of Christ 2 - Tempted to Give Up (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith April 09, 2017
The Passion of Christ 1 - Rejected (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith April 09, 2017
Authentic Holiness 4 - Holy Habits (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith March 26, 2017
Authentic Holiness 3 - Holy Hands (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith March 19, 2017
Authentic Holiness 2 - Holy Heads (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith March 11, 2017
Authentic Holiness 1 - Holy Hearts (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith March 04, 2017
God In Unexpected Places 4 - Failure (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith February 18, 2017
God In Unexpected Places 3 - Success (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith February 18, 2017
God In Unexpected Places 2 - Disappointment (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith February 11, 2017
God In Unexpected Places 1 - Change (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith February 05, 2017
The Right Relationships 4 Who Is Following You?(Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith January 29, 2017
The Right Relationships 3 Who Are You Following? (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith January 22, 2017
The Right Relationships 2 You've Got What It Takes (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith January 15, 2017
The Right Relationships 1 Challenged to Maturity (Pastor Kenny Smith) Pastor Kenny Smith January 08, 2017

Content Copyright Belongs to CTC: Church That Cares