Where Are We?

Series: Light In the Darkness

January 10, 2021
Ron Burtz

In this introductory message as we return to our study of Philippians, Pastor Ron Burtz addresses the question of "Where are we as a culture?" In these tumultuous times, it is important to understand where we are in terms of biblical morality and, even more importantly, how we got here. This message takes a quick walk through Romans chapter one to answer those questions.

Episode Notes

Title: Where Are We?

Text: Romans 1:18-32

Do recent events make you feel disoriented?

Where we are as a culture: "Amen and awoman."

The Wraths of God:

1. Eternal Wrath - Romans 2:5

2. Eschatological Wrath - Revelation

3. Cataclysmic Wrath - Noah's flood

4. Consequential Wrath - Gal. 6:7-8

5. The Wrath of Abandonment - Psalm 81:11-12, Romans 1

“God gave them over...”

Our hope is in the Lord. Philippians 2:14-16

Where do we go from here?

1. Pray

2. Immerse yourself in the truth of God's Word

3. Hold out the Word of Truth, the Gospel

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