Unity's Model: The Humble King

Series: Light In the Darkness

September 27, 2020
Ron Burtz

The Bible calls followers of Christ to be as one in a unique unity that only God's people can know. The path to maintaining that unity (which is created by the Holy Spirit) is an attitude of humble service that puts the needs of others above our own. The Apostle Paul shows in Philippians 2:5-11 that Christ is the ultimate model of that unity and calls believers to have the same attitude as that of Christ in His incarnation, earthly life and especially in his death on the cross. Join us as Ron Burtz unpacks from this passage important truths about the humbling of Christ for us.

Episode Notes

Title: Unity's Mindset-The Humble King

Text: Philippians 2:5-8

Christ in His humanity - Christ in His deity

Eight steps in the descent of Christ:

Step 1: He did not consider equality with God something to be grasped - v. 6

Step 2: He made Himself nothing - v. 7a

Temporarily emptied of rights:

a.  His divine glory

b. Independent divine authority

c. Voluntary exercise of some divine attributes

d. His eternal riches

e. His intimate face-to-face with the Father

Step 3: He took the nature of a servant

Step 4:  He was made in human likeness

Step 5:  He was found in appearance as a man

Step 6: He humbled himself

Step 7: He was obedient to death

Step 8: He suffered the curse of the cross

Praise God Christ came Down From His Glory

Content Copyright Belongs to Hope Christian Reformed Church