To Live Is Christ

Series: Light In the Darkness

August 16, 2020
Ron Burtz

Why are modern Americans so reluctant to talk or even think about death? Could it be that most haven't discovered the source of true life? In this message Ron Burtz discusses Philippians 1:19-26 and what could be considered both the key verse of this letter and the Apostle Paul's life verse: "For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain."

Episode Notes

Sermon Title: "To Live is Christ"

Text: Philippians 1:19-26

 Can anything good come out of COVID-19?


v. 19 - "will turn out" =


"deliverance" =


v. 23 - "depart" =


Who or what is at the core of your life?


Content Copyright Belongs to Hope Christian Reformed Church