The Prince of Peace Has Come

Series: The Message of Christmas

December 05, 2021
Ron Burtz

The world is looking for what it calls peace and, especially at Christmastime, the calls for world peace and harmony between nations and people groups seems to ramp up. But is that the kind of "peace on earth" the angels were talking about when they sang "peace on earth, goodwill toward men?" This sermon examines the peace of Christmas showing that the announcement of the angels was one of declaring peace between God and those who would repent and trust the Christ of the manger and the cross.

Episode Notes

Series: The Message of Christmas

Title: The Prince of Peace Has Come

Text: Isaiah 9:1-7 (and others)

Views of Christmas peace

Hebrew word for peace - Shalom

Four kinds of peace:

1. Peace with God

Rom. 5:1, 6-10; 2 Cor. 5:17-21

Reconciled =

2. Peace with Others

Ephesians 2:11-18, 4:3, 32; Romans 12:18, Phil. 4:1-3;

3. The Peace of God

Phil. 4:4-7, 9; Isaiah 26:3

4. World Peace (Eternal Peace)

Ps. 46:9; Isaiah 60:18, 11:6-9, 2:3-4, 9:5-7

The message of Christmas is that peace is near.

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