The Cups

Series: Pictures of the Passion

March 21, 2021
Ron Burtz

The word cup is used metaphorically in the Bible to speak of both blessing and the curse of God's wrath. Jesus Christ, as the Lamb of God consumed the bitter cup of God's wrath for us so that we might receive the rich blessings of redemption, God's forgiveness and eternal salvation.

Episode Notes

Title: Pictures of the Passion: The Cup

Text: (Various)

Scripture Reading: Luke 22:14-20

Our God speaks in pictures

The Picture of the Cups

The Cup in Scripture

In the New Testament the word “cup” is a metaphor for:

1. God's against sin

Psalm 11:6, 75:8, 51:22; Rev. 16:19

2. God's blessing upon the righteous

Psalm 16:5, 23:5; Mark 9:41

The cups of Christ

A. The Cup of Suffering

Mark 10:35-39, Luke 22:41-42

B. The Cup of Redemption and Blessing

Luke 22:17, 20; Psalm 23:5; I Cor. 10:16

Our response to the cups of Christ:

Consecrate your life as a slave to Christ

1 Cor. 6:18-20; 7:23; Matt. 10:42

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