The Church: Why Are We Here?

January 02, 2022
Ron Burtz

In a very personal address, Pastor Ron Burtz presents his final sermon to the congregation of Hope Christian Reformed Church. At the same time he takes the opportunity to look at Acts 2:42-47 to ask and answer the question about the church, "Why Are We Here?"

Episode Notes

Sermon Title: The Church: Why Are We Here?

Text: Acts 2:42-47

Scripture Reading: Acts 2:29-47

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is a church...”

The church of Jesus Christ exists in this world to have a...

1. Dynamic relationship with God through His Word

The Great Commandment - Part 1 - Matt. 22:37-38

2. Dynamic relationship with other believers

The Great Commandment - Part 2 - Matt. 22:39-40

3. Dynamic relationship with non-believers

The Great Commission - Matt. 28:18-20

Content Copyright Belongs to Hope Christian Reformed Church