Priorities for Pressing On

Series: Light In the Darkness

April 25, 2021
Ron Burtz

As we progress in sanctification, pressing on to become more and more like Christ, Paul offers three major priorities for pressing on. We are to follow godly examples, flee from enemies of the cross and focus on eternity with an expectant hope.

Episode Notes

Series: Light In the Darkness

Title: Priorities for Pressing On

Text: Philippians 3:17-21

Another word picture for an authentic follower of Christ: A long-distance runner - Heb. 12:1-2

Pursuing Christ requires:

1. Following godly examples - v. 17

2. Feeling from enemies - vv. 18-19

3. Focusing on eternity (expectations) - vv.20-21

With eternity's values in view, Lord, With eternity's values in view. May I do each days work for Jesus, With eternity's values in view.

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