Bible Q&A - Part 3

Series: Bible Q&A

August 29, 2021
Ron Burtz

The opening verses of 1 Corinthians 6 say in the future the saints of God will judge the world and angels. What does the Apostle Paul mean by these statements? In the story in Joshua of the Israelite conquest of Jericho the heroine of the story, Rahab the prostitute tells a lie to protect the Israeli spies hiding on her rooftop. Did God approve of the lie and is there ever a time when lies are part of God's plan? This sermon attempts to answer those questions in a way that gives glory to Christ the King and celebrates the salvation He alone offers.

Episode Notes

Title: Bible Q&A – Part 3

Text: 1 Cor. 6:1-8, Joshua 2, Judges 4:12-24

Question #1: What does the Apostle Paul mean (1 Cor. 6:1-8) when he says the saints will judge the world and angels?

Rev. 11:15, 20:6, 5:9-10, 3:21; 2 Tim. 2:11-12; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6; Heb. 1:14; 1 Pet. 1:3-5, 2:9-10; Daniel 7:27, Luke 19:11ff; 1 John 3:1-3

Question #2: Two women [in the Bible]—Rahab and Jael—lie and it appears to be part of God's plan. They aren't punished but praised. When are lies part of God's plan?

Joshua 2; Judges 4:12-24; Ex. 20:16; John 8:44; Prov. 6:16-19; Col. 3:9; Titus 1:2; Rom. 5:20-6:2, 15:4; Eph. 2:3-5

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