Bible Q&A - Part 2

Series: Bible Q&A

August 22, 2021
Ron Burtz

We tackle just one question in this message, but it's a good and important one because it gets to the heart of the gospel and the true identity of Jesus of Nazareth. The question is: Abraham is visited by three men at Mamre (Genesis 18). The speaker is called “Lord.” Who is this and who are the other two men? Was “Lord” Jesus or had God taken on human form?

Episode Notes

Title: Bible Q&A – Part 2

Text: Genesis 18:1-22

Question: Abraham is visited by three men at Mamre (Genesis 18). The speaker is called “Lord.” Who is this and who are the other two men? Was “Lord” Jesus or had God taken on human form?

Three Foundational Truths:

1. The Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God. 

2. God is triune, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, three in one.

3. Jesus is not a created being but the second person of the Trinity who has always existed in the form of God. 



God or an angel? Four tests:

1. Does the text identify the person as God?

2. Does the person speak for or as God? 

3, Do others respond to him as God? 

4. Does he accept worship? 

The Angel of the Lord: Always a Christophany

What does it mean to us?

Recommended reading: Ron Rhodes “Christ Before the Manger”

Content Copyright Belongs to Hope Christian Reformed Church