Beware of Dogs

Series: Light In the Darkness

January 17, 2021
Ron Burtz

Seemingly within days of Pentecost heresies began to arise in the early church and most are still around today in one form or another. Paul addresses the legalistic false teaching of the "Judaizers" in this passage. Christians must beware of false teachings and grow in the knowledge of the truth so they can identify and avoid error.

Episode Notes

Title: Beware of Dogs

Text: Philippians 1:1-3

Are you scared of dogs?

v. 1 - “Finally...” (He's not really done.)

v. 1b - “It is no trouble...” (Part of the preacher's job is creative redundancy which is to teach the same truths over and over in creative ways.)

False Teachers

Three heresies in the early church (which are still around today).

1. Antinomianism - Romans

2. Gnosticism - Colossians

3. Legalism - Galatians

How does Paul refer to these particular heretics?

1. those dogs v. 2a

2. those evil workers v. 2b

3. those mutilators v. 2c

The  Judaizers - Acts 15

Judaizers today:

Counteract false teaching by growing in biblical discernment

Phil. 1:9-11

Content Copyright Belongs to Hope Christian Reformed Church