72 Acts 19.21-41 The Bible: Narrow and Acclimatizing

Series: Acts Sermon Series

March 09, 2025
Christopher C. Freeman

Title: The Gospel: Narrow and Acclimatizing Text: Acts 19:21-41 FCF: We often struggle being ready for persecution. Prop: Because the gospel is narrow and acclimatizing, we must trust the Lord when we are persecuted for the gospel. Scripture Intro: NET [Slide 1] Turn in your bible to Acts chapter 19. In a moment we’ll read from the New English Translation starting in verse 21. You can follow along in the pew bible or whatever version you prefer. Last week we closed out a remarkable narrative episode in the city of Ephesus. God’s power was directly compared to the powers of magic and God proved to be quite superior. To the extent that the Ephesians of all stations were overcome with fear and began to treat the name of Jesus with reverence. The Ephesian Christians came forward and confessed and rejected their former affiliations with magic, even burning millions of dollars’ worth of spell books. They understood that you cannot serve Christ and magic. This week we will see the last episode in Ephesus. The overarching theme is still God’s hand of provision and protection of His gospel message. But today we get to learn more about the gospel and the church from the perspective of those who are outside of it. So stand with me today to give honor to and to focus on the reading of the Word of God. Invocation: Almighty God, we come to You knowing that You are worthy of our undivided praise and adoration. You are worthy of our undiluted worship and honor. You are worthy of our exclusive obedience and love. We, Your people, come today to hear from Your word and know what You have purposed us to be in this world of sin. Teach us Your ways and grow us to be Your people doing Your will. We pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. Transition: Lots to cover today, so let’s get to it. I.) The gospel of Jesus Christ is absolutely intolerant of any other belief systems, so we must trust the Lord when we are persecuted for the gospel. (21-27) a. [Slide 2] 21 Now after all these things had taken place, Paul resolved to go to Jerusalem, passing through Macedonia and Achaia. He said, “After I have been there, I must also see Rome.” i. This smaller paragraph encompassing verses 21-22 gives the reader of Acts a glimpse ahead to the plans and intentions of Paul. ii. After this paragraph a difficult trial will come, but by giving us this paragraph first, Luke makes it clear that Paul does not leave Ephesus because of what follows, but is planning to leave Ephesus even before these events occur. iii. This is a clue for us as to the general purpose of Luke recording this event and relaying it faithfully to Theophilus the audience of his books both the gospel of Luke and the book of Acts. iv. It is important in this case for Theophilus to know that Paul’s intention is to go back to Jerusalem after having spent over two years in Ephesus. v. In fact, Paul’s intention is to go the long way to Jerusalem. vi. He intends to pass through Macedonia and Achaia to check on the churches that have been established by himself and others. vii. Once he does get to Jerusalem again, he intends to go to Rome on his next missionary journey. b. [Slide 3] 22 So after sending two of his assistants, Timothy and Erastus, to Macedonia, he himself stayed on for a while in the province of Asia. i. Here we see Paul preparing the way for him to go through Macedonia and Achaia on his way back to Jerusalem. ii. How does he do that? iii. He sends ahead two of his companions Timothy and Erastus. iv. They go and check in on these churches while Paul continues in Ephesus until the time is right for him to move on. v. We know from other passages in the New Testament that the church in Jerusalem is suffering financial hardships. Because of this Paul plans to take up a collection for the church in Jerusalem, meaning we can also assume that Timothy and Erastus are sent to begin this process. c. [Slide 4] 23 At that time a great disturbance took place concerning the Way. 19:24 For a man named Demetrius, a silversmith who made silver shrines of Artemis, brought a great deal of business to the craftsmen. i. Now Luke records for us an event that does not force Paul out of Ephesus, does not lead to a great persecution of Christians, does not lead to anyone being imprisoned, does not lead to any deaths or suffering at all. ii. In fact, this event leads to the public embarrassment and shame of these silversmiths and the Ephesians in general. iii. This is a further clue for why Luke includes this narrative episode. iv. And it all starts with a man named Demetrius. v. Demetrius has got a problem with those who follow “The Way.” vi. Who is Demetrius? vii. Demetrius is probably not the same Demetrius that John speaks highly of in 3 John. viii. Which means that the only clues we have about his identity are found in this text. ix. But we do know that Demetrius was a silversmith. x. Not only a silversmith, but one who makes shrines and idols of Artemis. xi. As we have mentioned before, the temple of Artemis, one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world, was located right here in Ephesus. xii. Along with this, the worship of the goddess Artemis or Diana is widely held in the city and the surrounding area, and even throughout the Roman Empire. xiii. She is depicted rather grotesquely as a goddess with many orbs on her body. These orbs have long been thought to be breasts but in recent scholarship that has been questioned. Perhaps they are bull testicles, bee eggs or even ostrich eggs. xiv. Artemis or Diana is responsible for the hunt, fertility, and a whole host of other things some of which are quite unseemly. xv. One thing is certain, the worship of Artemis had been so part of the city of Ephesus that to attack her worship would be to attack the city, its pride and prosperity. xvi. Demetrius, it seems, was making a killing on these idols in the city of Ephesus. xvii. Probably these idols would be sold in the marketplace and taken to the temple of Artemis where they would be deposited as a sacrifice and used as a channel for prayers to be made to the goddess. Hence the reason the craft was so lucrative. Much like the money changers in the temple during Christ’s ministry. xviii. But Luke attributes even more to this man. Not only was he making a fortune himself but he was also bringing business to many craftsmen, not just fellow silversmiths but those of various similar trades. xix. Some scholars assume that Luke means that this man was responsible for setting up a craftsman’s guild in the city of Ephesus. A Craftsman’s Union as it were within the city and propped up by the sales of idols of the goddess Artemis. xx. So, we know who this man is and what he does and has done… xxi. Why is he so upset with Paul and those who follow Jesus… The Way? d. [Slide 5] 25 He gathered these together, along with the workmen in similar trades, and said, “Men, you know that our prosperity comes from this business. 19:26 And you see and hear that this Paul has persuaded and turned away a large crowd, not only in Ephesus but in practically all of the province of Asia, by saying that gods made by hands are not gods at all. i. Demetrius is upset for two reasons. ii. The first of which we see here in verses 25 and 26. iii. His first problem with Paul and the message of the gospel is primarily financial. iv. Paul and the gospel have put a significant dent in his business. v. As we just saw in the previous episode, if Ephesian believers are willing to burn millions of dollars in spell books to continue following and obeying Christ, they certainly won’t be purchasing any idols of Artemis either. vi. Furthermore, we see that Paul teaches not only in Ephesus but in practically all of Asia that these things made with hands are not gods at all. vii. The pagan perspective on shelf idols contrasted with the Jewish perspective on idols is an interesting discussion. viii. Idols from a pagan point of view were lightening rods or channels for their gods. The gods could inhabit or work through each idol made. It was not merely to represent the god. ix. However, the Jewish perspective which was also the Christian perspective was that these idols made with human hands are not gods at all. How could they be? Furthermore, that the gods they worshipped which supposedly inhabited these idols, were not gods either. Rather they were created beings, demons, who were vying for power and worship instead of the one true and living God. x. So, Paul teaching what the Old Testament consistently taught, that there is only 1 God Yahweh and that all other would-be gods were not gods at all merely powerful renegade creations vying for power – would put a significant crimp in the business of Demetrius and these other craftsmen. xi. This proves beyond doubt that Christianity cannot syncretize with any other faith. Paul did not teach that you could buy these idols, worship them in your home and follow Jesus at the same time. xii. This is why Demerius is upset. xiii. The second reason he is upset is found in the following verse. e. [Slide 6] 27 There is danger not only that this business of ours will come into disrepute, but also that the temple of the great goddess Artemis will be regarded as nothing, and she whom all the province of Asia and the world worship will suffer the loss of her greatness.” i. As a secondary but related issue, Demetrius seems to think that the traction that Paul has gained with the message of the gospel has caused enough of a blow to the worship of Artemis that they could be seeing the extinction of the worship of Artemis. ii. But his fears are unfounded of course. iii. For Artemis is still worshipped today by some. Pagans/ Wiccans worship all kinds of named gods from various faith groups, including the overt worship of Artemis by some. And the worship of the things Artemis represented and embodied are still very much worshipped today. iv. So, what Demetrius says amounts to little more than fearmongering and rabble rousing. v. There is no reason for these craftsmen to fear the fall of the goddess Artemis. Not yet anyway. vi. But there will come a day when the worship of Artemis will no longer be, for whatever demon is behind her, and all her followers will be cast into the lake of fire. And they will be there forever. f. [Slide 7] Summary of the Point: Luke communicates his point through the eyes of a craftsman experiencing financial pressure because of the gospel of Jesus Christ. That gospel, as he rightly observes, is completely intolerant of any other worship, any other faith, any other god, and any other practice than what it teaches. Paul’s message was quite clear and fairly represented here by Demetrius. Paul’s gospel had absolutely no room for believers to continue to purchase these idols for the temple. Because of this, Demetrius felt the shortfall in his pocketbook and planned to do something about it. As believers today, since the gospel is absolutely intolerant and incompatible with all other forms of worship, faith, gods, or practices other than what it teaches – we must be ready to be persecuted for the sake of the gospel. The intolerance of the gospel is one of its most despised attributes. This was true here in Paul’s day, and I don’t think I have to tell you that it is still true today. We must be ready for persecution – how? By trusting the Lord when we are in its clutches. He is good… always. And it is a privilege to suffer for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Transition: [Slide 8 (blank)] So, the gospel is unyielding and that will be quite problematic to those who will not yield to it. But what else may cause others to persecute us? II.) The church does not wield the gospel in order to overthrow cultures, so we must trust the Lord when we are persecuted for the gospel. (28-41) a. [Slide 9] 28 When they heard this they became enraged and began to shout, “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!” 19:29 The city was filled with the uproar, and the crowd rushed to the theater together, dragging with them Gaius and Aristarchus, the Macedonians who were Paul’s traveling companions. i. Demetrius’ speech has its desired effect. ii. The craftsmen, which ironically Paul was a craftsman too, nevertheless they became enraged at the two thoughts of financial ruin and the goddess losing her prestige. iii. Immediately they began to shout what was a well-known chant in the city of Ephesus. iv. It is a blending of national pride with religious fervor. v. A similar statement today would be the expression “In God We Trust” or “God Bless the USA” vi. They immediately take this patriotic and religious chant into the Amphitheater which would be the place in the city where disputes between residents would be heard by the proconsuls 3 times a month. vii. It is possible that Demetrius chose his time to act based on a popular festival given every spring in honor of Artemis. It is called the Artemesia Festival. viii. The proconsuls would not hold court during a festival of this size, so the crowd driving these men to the amphitheater would be in the right place but not the right time for a ruling. ix. These craftsmen leading this chant of “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians” in angry tones walking toward the Amphitheater would have easily drawn many festival participants toward the uproar. x. Demetrius probably knew where the most likely place to find Paul and his friends would be. xi. Alas he does not find Paul but does find his companions from Macedonia. b. [Slide 10] 30 But when Paul wanted to enter the public assembly, the disciples would not let him. 19:31 Even some of the provincial authorities who were his friends sent a message to him, urging him not to venture into the theater. i. Here we see the heart of Paul. He is no coward. ii. He wishes to ride in to help Gaius and Aristarchus, his friends, and fellow brothers in Christ. iii. But many disciples prevent him from doing so. iv. We even see high ranking government leaders who had befriended Paul insist that he not go into the theater at all. v. These folks are rather important people in the Roman Empire. The word for friends here counter-balanced with the reference to disciples before it would suggest that these provincial leaders were not believers, but were friendly toward Paul and his message, perhaps influenced by his Roman citizenship. There is even some thought that these powerful people could be patrons of Paul, bankrolling him in his work. vi. It is interesting to note that none of these Roman Provencial leaders saw anything anti-Rome or anti-Ephesus in what Paul was preaching. And if they are trying to preserve his life and potentially are paying for him to be there – we might assume that they even thought what he taught was beneficial for Rome and Ephesus. vii. Here is another piece to the puzzle as to why Luke would record this event. c. [Slide 11] 32 So then some were shouting one thing, some another, for the assembly was in confusion, and most of them did not know why they had met together. 19:33 Some of the crowd concluded it was about Alexander because the Jews had pushed him to the front. Alexander, gesturing with his hand, was wanting to make a defense before the public assembly. 19:34 But when they recognized that he was a Jew, they all shouted in unison, “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!” for about two hours. i. In a scene that feels like it could have been ripped out of the headlines of a very recent newspaper, we see a perfect and harrowing example of mob mentality. ii. Most people had no idea why they were rioting. They were just there because everyone else was. iii. They were angry… because everyone else was. iv. Finally, the Jews put forward Alexander. v. We have no idea who Alexander is and we have no idea why the Jews put him forward. vi. Most scholars agree that Alexander is put forward by the Jews in order to disassociate the Jews from the Christians. vii. The Jews had long lived in polytheistic cities worshiping in their monotheistic way. And although they would certainly not worship the foreign gods, they also would not openly degrade or mock the gods of the city either. viii. As it happens, this whole issue blows up into not only a national and religious event but even a racial one. For as soon as the crowd sees that he is a Jew … they shout him down… ix. By yelling Great is Artemis of the Ephesians… x. For two hours. xi. Again… it seems like this could have been ripped out of the pages of our newspapers very recently. xii. So, since no one knows what is going on, how is all this going to be settled? d. [Slide 12] 35 After the city secretary quieted the crowd, he said, “Men of Ephesus, what person is there who does not know that the city of the Ephesians is the keeper of the temple of the great Artemis and of her image that fell from heaven? 19:36 So because these facts are indisputable, you must keep quiet and not do anything reckless. i. The city secretary acts as a liaison between the Roman provincial government and the civic officials. ii. He is the chief executive officer of the city, functioning somewhat like a city mayor who reports to the provincial leaders. iii. As such, any riot that would occur in the city would be blamed… on him. iv. So, he has a vested interest in smoothing this whole thing over with the crowd because quite literally, his head is on the line. v. It is important to note that Luke dutifully records all the words the city secretary says without suggesting that everything he says is factual. vi. The words inspired by the Holy Spirit can be factually incorrect and still be inerrant. When Joseph’s brothers say that a wild animal killed him, this was a lie. But it was recorded in the scriptures inerrantly. vii. Here the city secretary suggests that the city of Ephesus is and has been the keeper of the temple of Artemis the great for many years. viii. He puts forward as facts that Artemis is a real goddess whose image fell from heaven. ix. No doubt he means that a meteorite had fallen from space and the Ephesians took this as her falling from heaven. This is probably said to cut against Paul’s words that these idols were not gods because they were made by human hands. Well Artemis… wasn’t since she fell from heaven. x. The city secretary is assuring the rioters that no one will ever be successful in denigrating Artemis or keep her from being worshipped. Especially not with mere words. xi. He goes on… e. [Slide 13] 19:37 For you have brought these men here who are neither temple robbers nor blasphemers of our goddess. i. The word for temple robbers can be understood in two different ways. 1. Either someone who is sacrilegious who profanes temple objects and worship implements or one who literally steals these objects from sacred sites. 2. Either of these could apply. The rioters were concerned about their idols and the financial impact it would be on people not buying them… why? Because they were told they were not gods. This is sacrilegious. But somewhere in there, you could see how some might have misheard and understood that people were stealing from the craftsman. Because in a way they were stealing business from them. 3. The city official says that none of the men brought were guilty of this… when we know for a fact that every Christian there would have been guilty of disrespecting the temple of Artemis. 4. Now perhaps Gaius and Aristarchus had never treated an idol with disrespect or profaned or stolen temple objects – but they certainly wouldn’t be honoring the temple idol. ii. He continues and says that none of the men brought were blasphemers of the goddess either. 1. To blaspheme is to slander someone, and when it is directed toward a deity it is viewed as blasphemy. 2. However, in order for slander to occur it must be a lie. 3. The Christians were certainly defaming the name of Artemis… but they did so truthfully. 4. In an ironic twist, the city secretary tells the truth here while aiming for a lie. 5. It was not slander at all. Artemis is no god. She is neither great nor is she of the Ephesians. iii. So the city secretary plays relatively fast and loose with the details of the case. iv. I agree with the Puritan John Trapp who says, “This was false: but this politician held it lawful to redeem peace with a lie.” v. I believe the mayor spoke whatever he needed to in order to restore peace. vi. But is the crowd buying it? vii. Based on what he says next, I don’t think so… f. [Slide 14] 19:38 If then Demetrius and the craftsmen who are with him have a complaint against someone, the courts are open and there are proconsuls; let them bring charges against one another there. 19:39 But if you want anything in addition, it will have to be settled in a legal assembly. 19:40 For we are in danger of being charged with rioting today, since there is no cause we can give to explain this disorderly gathering.” 19:41 After he had said this, he dismissed the assembly. i. Perhaps looking into the faces of the crowd he notices some who disagree with his assessment of the innocence of the men in question. ii. Perhaps even Demetrius himself voices his disagreement. iii. That would make sense of the next and most powerful argument the city secretary uses to diffuse the situation. iv. What he has said so far has been debatable at best and quite misleading and dishonest at worst. v. But what he says next is really the nail in the coffin for this riot. vi. We have proconsuls and courts. If you have a problem, bring them to these people and let them try the case. Follow the law. Follow due process. vii. If you want more than a civil case and want to bring criminal charges up… then you can do that in the legal assembly. viii. What they are doing now is not at all a legal assembly. ix. It is being perceived as a riot and mob rule. x. Why? xi. Because no one can agree on why they are there, there are no proconsuls to hear the case, and there are no clear charges for which some are being accused. xii. If this continues, Rome is gonna come in and heads are gonna roll. xiii. In other words… he’s not saying shut up about this … he is saying pursue your case in a legal way… or go home. xiv. Despite a poor start, he finishes well, proving that even unbelievers can be wise. xv. The result is exactly what we might expect. xvi. Everyone goes home. xvii. Again, we are reminded here that this riot did not endanger any life of any believer nor did Paul leave for this reason. xviii. We also see that the high-ranking government officials who were friends of Paul did not perceive his actions or teachings as a danger to Rome, nor did the city secretary perceive the actions of Gaius and Aristarchus to be worthy of pursuing at the expense of the peace of the city. He tries to pass them off as innocent and then concedes that even if they are guilty, it is best to take them to a legal court. xix. All of this gives us clues for why Luke records this episode for us. xx. And it is all bound up with Luke’s recipient Theophilus. Theophilus is a prestigious, wealthy, and possibly even high-ranking Roman official who has believed on Jesus. xxi. Luke writes to him to assure him that what he has received is the truth beyond doubt. xxii. Part of that, is to show to Theophilus that Christianity is not anti-Rome. At least not directly. xxiii. Certainly, the whole Roman world is being turned upside down. But that is an effect of the gospel being received by many. It is not the promoted cause of the church. When many people come to Christ in the same culture, culture changes. But the goal of the church is not to change the culture, change the state, change the government. The kingdom of God is to the nations and the Lord is reclaiming the nations – but He is not doing that by leading a bunch of rebels to use every means necessary to impose gospel living upon all. Instead, the church is sharing the gospel of Christ, one soul at a time. xxiv. This entire episode proves that it was not the Christians who did this. In fact, it was the pagan Ephesians who started all this. xxv. If Rome changes because of Christianity, it won’t be because the Christians endeavor to change it. It will be because the gospel powerfully changes people. And enough people changing by the power of the gospel… changes culture. g. [Slide 15] Summary of the Point: So, Luke’s point here again comes from the perspective of unbelievers. The Roman provincial leaders who had befriended Paul did not wish his message to end for they not only saw it as a benign message but even a beneficial message for the Roman world. And the city secretary does not see their message as dangerous enough to allow a riot to continue. He tries to deny their behavior and even insists that if they are guilty they should be tried legally. All this proves that from the perspective of those in leadership in Rome and Ephesus, the gospel message was not trying to overthrow their city. We know that it was overthrowing their city – but not in the sense that it threatened any real danger to the city or its residents. In this we see the paradoxical truths that the primary goal of the gospel message is not a call for revolution… it is a call for repentance and faith. The gospel will change people from the inside out. But certainly that change if done in enough people, will change a culture too. Therefore, as the gospel spreads and as the Spirit does His work, we should expect persecution to come against us because eventually people will perceive the change in others as a threat to their way of life. But our preparation for persecution begins and ends with trusting the Lord as we are in it. Conclusion: So CBC, what have we learned today and how then shall we live? Doctrinal Takeaway: [Slide 16] We have seen two very important truths today concerning the gospel. The first is that the gospel is absolutely intolerant of any worship, faith, or practice that it does not espouse. The gospel is the whole redemptive plan and action of God from Genesis to Revelation and in all of this, there is no room for any other worship, faith, or practice to fit. We spoke of this last week when we asserted that the Ephesian Christians realized that they could not keep following Christ and also keep their spell books. It is the same for any other faith, worship, or practice. We see this in the absolutes of the Scriptures. There is no God but Yahweh. Friendship with the world is hostility with God. You cannot serve two masters. What fellowship has light with darkness. Come out from among them and be separate says the Lord. You cannot love the world and love God. We also have seen the church’s primary mission, and the gospel itself, is not a weapon we use to undo governments, cultures or otherwise force people to adopt a Christian lifestyle. We are not an overt threat to our societies or their ways of life. But make no mistake… the gospel’s impact can be devastating to the culture of a village, a city, a nation, a religious group, or even an empire. Because of these two truths we’ve learned today – we as believers ought to expect persecution. Not because we seek it… but because when people are told that their worship, their faith, they way of life is not compatible with the gospel… when these same people see their friends and family changing and rejecting what they have always loved in order to follow this Jesus… Make no mistake… they will hate us for it. And they won’t stop at hatred… they will try to destroy us. So how do we prepare for persecution? We trust the Lord. We recognize and believe all that God says and trust Him for His preservation and provision. But let me break this down further in some more practical ways. 1.) [Slide 17] Mind Transformation: “What truth must we believe from this text?” or “What might we not naturally believe that we must believe because of what this text has said?” We must affirm that the gospel is the narrow way. a. Building off of what we have seen the last two weeks we see that the gospel is hopelessly intolerant and incredibly narrow. In saying that we must make sure we know what we aren’t affirming. i. God is no respecter of persons, and He has loved the world so much that He sent His Son so that all the believing ones in the whole world would not perish but have everlasting life. ii. In this way the gospel is not narrow. The gospel is available to every nation, every social background, every economic identity, every race, each gender, poor or rich, slave or free, male of female, Jew or Gentile, the gospel call goes out to all and the gospel call will be effective on those from all backgrounds. b. But those who receive the gospel call receive it in a very narrow way. c. The gospel cannot be united together with or syncretized to any other faith. i. You cannot worship God and knowledge. ii. You cannot worship God and money. iii. You cannot worship God and Allah. iv. You cannot worship God and Zeus. v. You cannot worship God and Artemis. vi. You cannot worship God and the USA. vii. You cannot worship God and yourself. viii. No. We are not all on the same mountain climbing to the top where God is. God is not Artemis, Allah, Zeus, the USA, Money or YOU. ix. God is God and there is no other. x. He will not share worship with any. xi. And Jesus said that the only way to the Father is through Him. d. Secondly, the gospel cannot be united together with or syncretized to any other practice. i. You cannot be Jesus’ disciple and love your family more than Him. ii. You cannot be Jesus’ disciple and love the world. iii. You cannot be Jesus’ disciple and love money. iv. You cannot be Jesus’ disciple and love pleasure more than Him. v. You cannot be Jesus’ disciple and love sin. vi. You cannot be Jesus’ disciple and hate the law of God. vii. You cannot love Jesus and continue to intentionally disobey His commands. e. The gospel is narrow in the sense that it requires us to reorganize every single priority we have in life around the will and commands of our Lord Jesus. The first of which is to turn from our sin and believe on Him. f. The gospel is a free gift – but make no mistake – it is a gift that will dominate our life, forever. 2.) [Slide 18] Refutation: “What lies must we cast down” or “What do we naturally believe, or have been taught to believe, that this passage shows is false?” We must deny that a primary goal of the church is to change the culture. a. Now every word in this application is important. But if I had to point to a word that you must mark out it is the word “primary.” i. No one can deny that the church should aim to change the culture. Especially a culture steeped in paganism, materialism, and godless wickedness… like our own. ii. We ought not only to want cultural change, but should even fight for that change in the ways that we can. In legal ways. In ways that we have been afforded. b. But we as the church must recognize that this is NOT our primary goal. c. For if it was, any persecution we may receive would be well earned. But we are not persecuted for trying to change culture – we are persecuted for the gospel of Christ. d. Therefore, changing culture ought not occupy the majority of our time, money, energy, or efforts. e. The primary goal of the church is to bear witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ. f. Most often this is a one soul at a time kind of activity. g. Very seldom do we see large conversion experiences that actually pan out to be legitimate. h. The concept of revivals and revivalism has been twisted from a wonderful Holy Spirit phenomenon to a man-made perfectly engineered regularity where many profess Christ and then two or three weeks later, everything is the same as it always had been. i. In fact, so many of those who respond during these revivals are repeat responders. j. Because the revivals that are real happen so infrequently, we must be diligent to keep our primary focus on sharing the gospel with individuals whom we come in close contact with on a regular basis. k. To a stay-at-home mother this most certainly is her children. l. To an employee this is his co-workers and bosses. m. To an employer his employees and customers. n. To sons and daughters it is their brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers and cousins. o. This is the primary aim of the church and the use of the gospel. p. If enough people are acclimatized to the gospel – changed and adapted to be part of the church by the power of God – then certainly culture will change… it must. q. But we can’t affirm that the church must primarily pursue the Christianizing of our governments. This is too short sighted a goal for it to be primary. 3.) [Slide 19] Exhortation: “What actions should we take?” or “What is this passage specifically commanding us to do that we don’t naturally do or aren’t currently doing?” We must trust the Lord as we face persecution. a. If we are going to make it through persecution we must trust the Lord. b. What has the Lord said about Himself that helps us in times of persecution. i. God has taught us that He is sovereign and that nothing happens without it being His will. Including when people persecute us. ii. God has said that He is all powerful. That if He wanted to remove us from persecution, nothing could stop Him from doing so. Yes… not even the will of men. See Pharoah and the persecution of Israel. iii. God has said that He will preserve us until the day of redemption. We might still loose our life for the gospel’s cause… but we will never lose our eternal life. iv. God has told us that through Christ we can do all things necessary to endure anything for the cause of Christ. This is the appropriate use of the verse I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. c. Furthermore, we must obey the Lord if we are going to make it through persecution. What has the Lord called us to do in persecution? i. We must endure in our faith – which is trusting Him. ii. And we have been commanded to rejoice in sharing suffering with our Savior. iii. We ought to rejoice when we are persecuted for His name, for it assures us of our adoption into His family and allows us to share in a very small way in the sufferings of our Savior. 4.) [Slide 20] Comfort: “What comfort can we find here?” or “What peace does the Lord promise us in light of this passage of scripture?” God will preserve His people. a. What can men do to us? b. If God is for us, who can be against us? c. He will hold us fast. He will keep us secure in His love. d. No one can pluck us from His hand. e. Though we endure a little light affliction now – we are merely being refined in the fire so we come through as purer gold. We are merely enduring the breaking and molding of the clay as we are being pressed into the mold of Christ. f. God will keep us until He delivers us safely and purely before His throne. g. Amen? [Slide 21 (End)] Let me close with a prayer from the Primer of 1559, a prayer book compilation authorized by Queen Elizabeth the I to attempt to restore traditional worship within the reformed church. Lord God, a sparrow cannot fall to the ground except by your will and permission. So... It is by your will and permission that I should be in this misery and adversity. You discipline me with adversity-not to destroy me and cast me away, but to call me to repentance and save me. "For the Lord disciplines the one he loves" (Hebrews 12:6). Affliction and adversity bring about patience, and whoever patiently bears tribulation is made to be like our Savior Christ, our head. And in all tribulation or adversity I am assured of comfort from your gracious hand. For you have commanded me to call on you in the time of tribulation, and you have promised to hear and comfort me. Grant me therefore in all trouble and adversity to be quiet-not impatient or murmuring, and not discouraged or desperate. Help me to praise and magnify you, and to put my whole trust and confidence in you. For you never abandon those who trust in you, but you work everything for the best to those who love you and who seek the glory of your holy name. To you be glory forever and ever. We pray this in Jesus’ name…Amen. Benediction: To you whose life is hid with Christ on High, Who ever lives and pleas for you; May He keep you from stumbling, And make you to stand in the presence of His glory, Blameless and with great joy. Until we meet again, go in peace.

Episode Notes

Sermon Notes

Acts 19:21-41

I.) The gospel of Jesus Christ is absolutely intolerant of any other belief systems . (21-27)

A.) T/F Paul left Ephesus only because of the riot?

B.) What were Demetrius’ two main concerns about Christians?


C.) What is the summary of point 1?

The gospel of Jesus Christ is absolutely _________________________ of any other belief systems, so we must ________________ the Lord when we are _______________________ for the gospel.

II.) The church does not wield the gospel in order to overthrow cultures. (28-41)

A.) Who prevents Paul from helping Gaius and Aristarchus?


B.) What are some characteristics of mob rule?


C.) What two arguments did the city mayor bring up?


D.) What is the summary of point 2?

The church does _____________ wield the gospel in order to ______________________ cultures, so we must trust the Lord when we are persecuted for the _____________________.

What is the Doctrinal Takeaway?

The gospel is ______________ and __________________________, so we must trust the Lord when we are persecuted for the gospel.

What truth must we believe from this text? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What lies should we cast down?? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What actions should we take? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What comfort can we find here?




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