Best Gift

Series: L.O.A.D. 2020

March 08, 2020
Pastor Joshua Goodman

Do we really trust the way we say we do? Do we really love the way we say we do? Almighty God chose to love you and I. Because he chose to love you, He chose to trust you, He chose to invest in you and He knows ALL that you've done. He knows all the garbage, all the icky stuff and He still chose to pull you up into the light and seat you with Him. Jesus and God gave the best that they could give. God gave his son. Jesus gave his life. And the Holy Spirit...well He has to deal with you for all eternity. We want to invest only in what we think deserves investment. We often times give to others what they give to us rather than what God would give. We don't see others as deserving. But if we are to follow after God we must love the unlovable, trust the untrustworthy. What would you not do for the kingdom?

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