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Were You There?

Were You There?

For the forty days of Lent, we will join the people who walked alongside Jesus in his journey to the cross, hid in the shadows during his condemnation, huddled trembling at the foot of the cross, and stood weeping in front of the sealed tomb. We will remove the barriers of time and geography in order to consider how we are each a part of this ancient story, and how Christ's life and death continue to impact our lives today. 

Title Speaker Date
Were You There?: The Disciples Rev. Dr. Jennifer Strickland February 18, 2018
Were You There?: Simon of Cyrene Rev. Dr. Jacob Buchholz February 25, 2018
Were You There?: Nicodemus Rev. Dr. Jennifer Strickland March 04, 2018
Were You There?: Roman Centurion Rev. Dr. Jacob Buchholz March 11, 2018
Were You There?: The Criminals Rev. Dr. Jennifer Strickland March 18, 2018
Were You There?: The Crowds Rev. Dr. Jacob Buchholz March 25, 2018
Were You There?: Judas (Maundy Thursday) Rev. Dr. Jacob Buchholz March 29, 2018
Were You There?: The Women at the Cross (Good Friday) Rev. Dr. Jennifer Strickland March 30, 2018
Were You There?: Mary Magdalene (Easter Sunday) Rev. Dr. Jennifer Strickland April 01, 2018

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