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Scrooge Meets Jesus

Scrooge Meets Jesus

As we enter the season of Advent and prepare to welcome Christ into the world, we are called to dig deeper into our own souls. Join Pastors Jen and Jacob as they explore how Charles Dickens uses the ghosts in The Christmas Carol to help Scrooge see parts of his reality he can't quite see, and how Jesus asks probing questions in the Gospels to help us see parts of our reality we can't quite see.

Title Speaker Date
Scrooge Meets Jesus Part 1: Ghost of Christmas Past Rev. Dr. Jacob Buchholz November 27, 2016
Scrooge Meets Jesus Part 2: Ghost of Christmas Present Rev. Dr. Jennifer Strickland December 04, 2016
Scrooge Meets Jesus Part 3: Ghost of Christmas Future Rev. Dr. Jacob Buchholz December 11, 2016

Content Copyright Belongs to Claremont United Church of Christ