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Parables: Jesus the Storyteller

Parables: Jesus the Storyteller

The Parables of Jesus range from short and sweet to complex and confusing. Gather round and listen in as we explore the many layers of these intriguing and powerful lessons that Jesus teaches in the form of stories.

Title Speaker Date
Parables: Jesus The Storyteller - The Parable of the 10 Wedding Attendants Rev. Dr. Jennifer Strickland September 25, 2022
Parables: Jesus the Storyteller - The Laborers in the Vineyard Rev. Dr. Jacob Buchholz September 18, 2022
Parables: Jesus the Storyteller - The Good Samaritan Rev. Dr. Jennifer Strickland and Rev. Dr. Jacob Buchholz September 11, 2022
Parables: Jesus the Storyteller - The Parable of the Prodigal Son Rev. Dr. Jennifer Strickland September 04, 2022
Parables: Jesus the Storyteller - The Parable of the Lamp Rev. Dr. Jacob Buchholz August 28, 2022
Parables: Jesus the Storyteller - The Baptism of Clementine Jubilee Strickland Rev. Dr. Bear Ride August 21, 2022
Parables: Jesus the Storyteller - The Parable of the Sower Rev. Dr. Jennifer Strickland August 14, 2022

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