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Bad Dads and Flawed Fathers of the Bible

Bad Dads and Flawed Fathers of the Bible

The Bible is full of stories that inspire us, but also stories that make us shake our heads in disbelief. Some of the most surprising stories are about bad dads and flawed fathers in the Bible who teach us what not to do as parents! Join us for a 3-part sermon series where we examine these men and learn how God was and is still speaking through their missteps.

Title Speaker Date
Bad Dads and Flawed Fathers of the Bible: Abraham and Isaac Rev. Dr. Jennifer Strickland June 11, 2017
Bad Dads and Flawed Fathers of the Bible: God and Jesus Rev. Dr. Jacob Buchholz June 18, 2017
Bad Dads and Flawed Fathers of the Bible: Jacob and Joseph Rev. Dr. Jennifer Strickland June 25, 2017

Content Copyright Belongs to Claremont United Church of Christ