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As we’ve been seeking God’s direction, we sense him calling us beyond what we have already imagined, into new dimensions of faith to build his Kingdom, for his glory. Beyond is the name of our stewardship campaign, which will fund this new building project. We believe that with God’s guidance, this opportunity will fulfill the financial needs of our church, providing us with a new, bigger space. As part of our Beyond campaign, every household will be asked to prayerfully consider making a sacrificial commitment—over and above your regular tithes and offerings—to be given over the next three years. We hope to raise the necessary funds in order to move forward in our mission of loving people to new life in Christ, living planted in community and leading change in our world. The Beyond campaign is an important step toward our future, and your involvement impacts its success. These are exciting days of decision in our church. Let us commit to seek and act in God’s will. To the glory of God, we will move ahead with faith. In his Name, Pastor Kent & Alli Munsey
Title | Speaker | Date |
The Blessing in Giving | Pastor Andrew Malek | December 03, 2019 |
H.O.P.E. On A Rope | Pastor Kent Munsey | November 25, 2019 |
In the Middle of a Miracle | Pastor Kent Munsey | November 18, 2019 |
Beyond, Pt. 2 | Pastor Kent Munsey | November 04, 2019 |
Going Beyond Together | Pastor Kent Munsey | October 28, 2019 |
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