Ep41. The Rescuers with Anti-Human Trafficking Expert Bazzel Baz

February 28, 2018
Brandee Nielsen + Bazzel Baz

Coffee Talk Topic: Rescue The definition of the word rescue is to save (someone) from a dangerous or distressing situation. This episode continues our campaign to help Stop Human Trafficking by hosting expert guests with boots on the ground experience. Our aim is to provide you with relevant and actionable information about what you can do to get into the fight and make a difference. Our guest on this show, Bazzel Baz, is one such expert! Featured Guest: Bazzel Baz Bazzel Baz is the founder of The Association for the Recovery of Children (ARC). He's a lifelong Christian, former CIA paramilitary, and US Marine operative, often lending his expertise to Hollywood and cable news channels. ARC's mission is to physically rescue kidnapped American children, often hidden in ungodly places in the United States and globally. Their motto is simple, "if we don't do it, who will?" Host Brandee Nielsen says "I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you that Baz is a personal friend. I can bear witness to Baz's dedication to the great commission because I'm living proof. Personally, I don’t believe in coincidences. I know that everything is God appointed. That being said, there is no coincidence that Baz’s mission is to rescue kidnapped children, and I was kidnapped when I was 15 years old for the ungodly sexual gratification of adult male. Though I escaped and went on to live a relatively normal secular life, God planned an encounter for me as an adult, to meet Baz, who pointed me to Jesus." LINKS FROM THE SHOW Connect with ARC and Bazzel Baz at www.recoveryofchildren.org Subscribe to the Christian Coffee Talk Podcast on iTunes, Google Play, iHeartRadio, TuneIn and Stitcher! Join our growing Online Community at www.facebook.com/groups/christiancoffeetalk where you can connect  24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year! Check out our theme song, Jesus Kind of Love by wwwNateJacksonMusic.com!


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