04 Holy Spirit Through Us

Series: Christian Assembly Upstate Sermons

June 09, 2019
Pastor White

Jesus told His disciples to wait until they received the Promise of the Father, another comforter, that would fill every believer so that they could be witnesses unto Jesus in the whole world. On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit fell upon 120 believers in Jerusalem who had been waiting together in an upper room, since Jesus had ascended into heaven just a few days before. Holy Spirit filled every believer with His presence and they proclaimed the praises of God in Languages they had never learned. As they spoke in tongues, these different languages, the people in Jerusalem from all over the world, heard these unlearned Christ Followers, praising God in their own languages. That day the church was born, as 3000 people in the crowd, believed on Jesus as their Savior. The Holy Spirit outpouring was as Jesus had promised. The Holy Spirit had been with them, was now in them and in the 2000 years that followed, the church experienced the Holy Spirit flowing/ministering "Through" Them! The wonder of Holy Spirit Infilling is the subject of this weeks final message in the series, entitled, "Holy Spirit Through Us!"

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