There Is a Lot to be Said for Clarity

Series: Psalms for the New Year

January 22, 2017
Michael Malanga

Some years ago, the Clarica Insurance Company produced a commericial featuring a man frantically waving his arms in an attempt to get the attention of a woman sitting on a bench across a busy city street. The woman sees the man, but has no idea why he is trying to get her attention. Sensing her confusion, a young woman standing next the man takes out a sketch pad, writes something on it and shows it to the woman. It is an arrow pointing up. When the woman on the bench looks up she springs to her feet and runs to her right. A second later a piano falls on the spot where she sat just moments before. As the commercial ends a narrator says, “There's a lot to be said for clarity.” That phrase sums up the content of Psalm 27


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