Forgiven People are Forgiving People - Matthew 6.14-15

Series: The Sermon on the Mount/The Disciples' Prayer

July 23, 2017
Michael Malanga

When we set out to practice what Jesus preaches, one of the first things we must learn to do is deny ourselves, and take up our cross and follow Him. However, I cannot take up my cross if I refuse to let go of the debts owed to me by my debtors. If I do not forgive others their trespasses against me, I am not practicing what Jesus preaches. Forgiven people are forgiving people. As God has been merciful to us, so must we be merciful to our debtors. Mercy received must result in mercy practiced. As God has dealt graciously with us, so must we deal graciously with those who trespass against us. Grace delivered must lead to grace shown to others.


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