Fully Human, Fully God

Series: Life of Jesus

September 17, 2017
Pastor Steve

In 1 John 2:6, believers are challenged to “walk the way Jesus walked.” In John 14:12, Jesus tells His followers that those who believe in Him will do even greater things than He did. These things seem almost impossible to believe. After all, Jesus was God in human flesh. He turned water into wine, walked on water, and fed over 5000 people with a few fish and a couple loaves of bread. On top of all that, He lived a sinless life. How is it possible that we could ever hope to walk like Jesus walked, or do great things for God’s Kingdom? In this lesson, we’ll find the answer to those questions in a surprising place, the humanity of Jesus Christ. His willingness to empty himself of His divine nature, made His divine power available to those who place their trust in Him. Jesus literally came to earth to demonstrate to fallen human beings that a person, willing to live in full dependence on God, can walk the way He walked. In His Service, Pastor Steve

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