2025 21 days of prayer - Day 18 A Prayer for Self Awareness

Series: 21 Days of Prayer

January 24, 2025
Ken Gosnell

Heavenly Father, You are a God who knows all things and sees all things. You are the Alpha and the Omega - the beginning and the end. Nothing escapes your knowledge or your sight. Today, we ask that you move in us a spirit of self-awareness. Help us to see ourselves with clear eyes and a humble heart, knowing that self-awareness always precedes self-improvement. You desire humble people with a heart of self-improvement and self-awareness. Father, we confess our sins to you, knowing that you are a forgiving and gracious God who loves to redeem and restore. We admit our weaknesses and our sins and cry out to you for healing and restoration. We acknowledge that you sent your Son from heaven to come and seek and save the lost. Search our hearts and minds and convict us of any unholiness and any change we need to make to become more like you. You have called us to be holy like you are holy. Give us eyes to see ourselves with clarity. Protect us from seeing the speck in someone else's eyes and missing the plank that is in our own. Bring others around us who can help us see ourselves as we are and who will encourage us to find the better version of ourselves. Please give us a spirit of acceptance and help us not to defend our weaknesses, for we know that the wounds of a friend prove faithful and true.

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